Welcome sacred soul ...
Blessed be the cosmic weaving and sacred story to bring us back together again in this lifetime to fulfil our sacred soul missions in the Rebirth of the Golden Earth with love, joy and graceful ruthlessness ☯︎
May we breathe gratitude together in this moment
I am Odelle Maiala Ixaro ☥
The one who sings the sacred songs of the ancient and faraway lands, Mother and Guardian of the Dragons, Trees and Rivers, and one who knows love beyond bounds and meets you at the crossroads on your way home to who you truly are
I am honoured to be of service as a soul and spirit guide for the rebirthing of ourselves and our Golden Earth with you at this incredible time in Earth's evolution
We, as wild, consciousness expanding souls, are sovereign, unapologetic and free and the wayshowers for the rest of humanity to return to the truth of who they are
There is no need to fear your power, you are so loved, guided and supported
And it is time for you to step into your lightwork even more boldly and audaciously
Through ancient songs, art, sacred expression and quantum mystery work, it is my holy prayer that you remember who you truly are, unlock your medicine gifts, activate your soul's true potential and fulfil your missions on Earth for the greatest good of you and all
We all hold Golden keycodes for one another
May we listen deeply to the whispers of nature, our bodies, hearts, wombs and let our channel open to Source for the pure wisdom to stream through
We are the ones we've been waiting for
We are at a tipping point, a choice-point as a humanity, to choose our power and face the dark forces courageously claiming our highest timeline from the highest light or ... let them win
May we bravely journey into the black womb of no-thing, of Sophia, to shed all that is untrue, siphoning our energy and retrieve all that is rightfully ours
May we be fully expressed, in our unique magic and majesty, reunited in holy harmony and sacred unity with Mother Earth, God and all that is once again
Bless you and thank you for choosing to be here now in service!
It is my honour to be of service during this time of rapid remembrance and if you feel it true to explore working together more deeply, book a free "soul vision" call (link below) or respond to any of the offers provided
(ps. rest assured there will be lots of wild joy along the journey, "fucks" and "litty titty" as my OG expressions)
In love,
And Infinite Possibilities
Odelle Maiala Ixaro ⚚

30 min